So, yesterday continued our saga of not so good luck. I started to make oatmeal for breakfast, and realized that the milk was off I went to the corner store for a small bottle of milk for breakfast - got back home and made oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast - yum! Of course it was raining yet again, but we had told Kels, our oldest granddaughter that we would watch our great granddaughter...for an overnight no less :)
So we packed up and started down the road - David was leading and I had to wait for traffic, but I caught him about a half mile up the road, when to my horror I realized that we had not fastened the cables and electric cord for the toad...and it was swinging free...I immediately called his cell phone, no answer, flashed my lights, etc...nope, he just kept on driving. Sure enough, a block later it came off the MH - I had no chance to stop and get it because traffic was moving at 40...and there was a line behind me - so I swung around the block, found a parking place, walked back to the spot it dropped off, waited for a clear space, ran in, picked it up and got back to the car without dying. Of course, it had been run over several time - and one end was pretty smashed. Sigh...

We got home and Aaliayah was waiting for us...all 13 months of her. OMG, she is just the cutest little thing! We all went out to dinner at Tequila's and everything was fantastic - we come home and I got her washed up and in her pj's...she sat on my lap and fell asleep about 8:45 - and slept all night for us.
This morning she woke up at 7, and we lay and played until 7:30 when we got up and I made her a scrambled egg and she had some muffin. Of course, while I was making coffee and her breakfast, she decided that the best possible place to be was grandpa's was so precious!
After doing some clean up, her mama came and we went to Centennial RV to see if they could fix our toad electric line - yep, so $43.00 later, we got out of there...we stopped at bed bath & beyond where I got a laundry sorter, then we stopped at K-mart for another couple of things - by the time we got home it was time to bake a couple of pumpkin pies (for Kaeleigh) but we still don't have a baby :(
We got naps and then it was time to go to Genghis a mongollian bbq - where Rick and Tanaya treated us all to a fantastic dinner!
We're not home and will shortly enjoy a slice of pumpking pie :) Tomorrow we have a trip to Delta in store, to spend some time with Pam & Fred...see a couple days ago!
And since it is 8:40 pm on May 21, and we are still here, so the adventure continues!